Announcing the 2024 Pushing Against Racism Fund Grantees!
May 27, 2024
We are very excited to share the selected grantees with you for the third annual Pushing Against Racism Fund! It was incredibly inspiring to learn about all the great initiatives around the world using skateboarding to promote diversity and boost inclusivity, and we can't wait to see how their projects develop.
This year, Skateistan’s Goodpush Alliance received 158 applications across the six continents, which is nearly double what we received last year. The Pushing Against Racism Working Group then shortlisted 36 applications and passed these on to our panel of expert Jury Members. The projects were assessed on the diversity of their teams and the communities they work with, the originality and feasibility of their skateboarding-based activity plan, and the social value of the proposed initiative.
We have now selected 12 initiatives from 11 different countries to receive a total of $15,000 in grants. These projects submitted outstanding proposals which aim to improve the physical and mental well-being of young people, promote greater racial equity within skateboarding, and provide access to skateboarding and other opportunities in underserved communities.
The various projects will be carried out between now and April 2025, so check out the successful projects below and give them a follow to stay up-to-date with the amazing things they're doing!

The selected projects for the Continent Grants are:
- Africa: Ethiopia Skate
- Asia: Yuwa For Change – Nepal
- Europe: WallRide – Portugal
- North America: Nations Skate Youth Society – Canada
- Oceania: Skateboarding Papua New Guinea
- South / Latin America: SuTrA e.V. / Bread & Water (SAN SKATE) – Dominican Republic
The selected projects for the Community Grants:
- Associação Forquilhense dos Atletas Amadores – Brazil
- Close Call Skateboarding, Girls Skate Nairobi, SOA Paris – Kenya
- Dream House Uganda
- Right to Sk8 Kid's Charity – Canada
- Tifrkhin Skate – Morocco
- Zimbabwe Skateboarding Association

About the Fund:
The Pushing Against Racism Fund was created by the Pushing Against Racism (PAR) Working Group, as a direct action to promote an anti-racist culture in the skateboarding community worldwide. Skateistan’s Goodpush Alliance is honoured to coordinate the PAR Working Group and this fund, which financially supports greater diversity and inclusivity within skateboarding. A special thanks to Poseiden Foundation and Bangladesh Street Kids Aid for their ongoing contributions as founding PAR Working Group members.
Note on the selection process: All eligible applications were reviewed by two members of the Pushing Against Racism Working Group and/or Skateistan staff, before a shortlist was sent to an expert jury for final selection. To avoid conflict of interest, any applicant projects/ organizations with staff/volunteers on the Working Group were assessed independently by two other working group members, and if shortlisted, assessed by two expert jury members for the final selection.
We would like to thank Skateistan’s core supporters, who have made the PAR Fund possible in 2024.